New Years Eve 2021, basically and the facts around it.


Although this is public, no-one reads it and it’s been gathering dust, so – although this will change – thought I’d give you a brief update of what happened.

Travel Plans and Delays

The day before NYE I was due to fly on the 11.45 out to Melbourne, and then onward to Canberra. A direct flight to Canberra is one of the last routes that Virgin Australia (VA) is holding out on : since the new management direct flights to Perth, Adelaide and Gold Coast have been added. Around 5am I received a text saying that flight was now cancelled and I would be flying on the 3.15.

Which gave me more time to do my normal going-away clean so get-back-to-a-tidy-house; ie a lot of bending etc; my back complained and i had two of the hand-warmer instant heat things on my hip.

Old Knees !

Firstly, what happened to my knee would be termed by politicians as ‘a pre-existing condition’. Several times out of the blue, in recent times, my knee has dislocated; say after say jumping onto the bed in glee .. . Normally it’s a 2-5 second cramp that I concentrate on getting rid of and it is fine. Or getting up from using dustpan and brush …

binning boris : just before the wednesday knee mishap


The Wednesday before I travelled I was sweeping into the dustpan and brush on the floor, crouching, and couldn’t get up. The cramp was worse than usual, and as I couldn’t ‘put it back in’, I crawled to the bedroom; started to pull myself onto the bed with my legs using furniture to propel me onto it, when click; it went back in; no pain whatsoever afterwards. As per usual.

However I noticed I couldn’t pick Lara up when I arrived Thursday ( sorry ! ) and had been balancing my bags in order to walk without pain.

Long Time On Island

That week I still had friends saying I should stay home because of Covid, but everyone was double vaxxed and the Gold Coast mob showed no signs of cancelling so I was set. As a precaution, with some of the credit I had with VA after cancelling a proposed trip to Portugal in January 2020 ( ie before Covid ) because of the Soleimani assasination, to travel business, on the reduced rates they were advertising until December 30. This would be the first time I had been off the island for 22 months and wasn’t planning to until March/April however Jen then Soph mentioned this family meet-up and I was rearing to go.

Car Park at Airport

At peak periods the car park at the airport can be chockablock, so I left early : there were 250-odd spots available, probably because of less people flying ( one xmas there was 2 ! ). I saw a vacant space in the very first row, smack bang next to the disabled parking,so backed into it and felt pretty chuffed.

I was nervous leaving home but once on the highway, and at the airport, the sky and clouds captivated me

But I was early, and although I only had hand luggage I didn’t’ want to go into an enclosed area. Then I heard that sound…

the chiming sound is much louder than the wind in person

The huge light poles, in windy weather, form an orchestra of drone tones .. i amused myself walking right around the car park listening to them.


There was a bit of trouble with where they had placed me on the alternative flight to the cancelled morning booking, but as it turned out that 20-minute dash connection in Melbourne didn’t work and we were rerouted onto a Qantas flight that night. Apparently if they wait for passengers, even though there were 28 of us, it can cost thousands per minute ( well that may be a slight exaggeration but we were met with ‘departed’ at the next gate and that was the reasoning they gave ) and also some people had luggage to collect. I read my book.


Julia and Ian picked me up from the airport, around 5. hours after I had been due to arrive, and spent time with the family at Sophs then took a Uber to the hotel, where found the tv wasn’t even in front of the bed; quite wierd !

Sunset on the way to Soph’s

Hotel Life

On the Friday, last day of 2021, the hotel had absolutely no food, not even the normal complimentary milk for the coffee machine. So I saw that there was a coffee place on the river; wound my way around the roadworks, and on the other side of the skate park saw I pleasant piece of bush I expected would lead to the left bank and it looked so fabulously native I set off towards it.

the ‘blade of grass’ terrain in which I fell down a proverbial ‘rabbit hole’

Whoops !!!!

When my leg gave way I though nothing of it until I tried to move. I was so near happy Dads encouraging their kids on their scooters but not in speaking distance and anyway I felt rather embarrassed. My phone had been knocked out of my hand and was resting on one of the tussocks of grass I had stepped near, expecting it to be level but it wasn’t. So first I crawled to the nearest tree, hitched myself up, and rang Helen ( who didn’t have her phone on morning walk with Anna ) then Fred ( who was at the gym ) but they eventually rang back, saying they’d pick up crutches.

The map said I was in the actual lake ! At the time I was heading for the pink building

This started at 8.15 thereabouts; I shuffled round to the front of the tree, but started feeling dizzy from the heat ( didn’t even have water ). Meanwhile the idyllic nature of the skater joy was in front of me. One guy came over to a nearby tree and was looking at me, then threw his backpack onto the ground and was in full skater mode. He came back several times.

It could have been worse; it could have happened in an ugly setting but it was pretty glorious; when I was upright I saw a platypus which Soph corrected to a water rat: all I saw was a happy furry wide back sticking out of the water obviously feeding below. Helen indeed had looked a bit unbelieving when I told her when they arrived, and later said that she doubted it was a platypus because the water was so murky.

My view while I was waiting

The nature around me was so relaxing; the birds and ducks just carrying on as normal, same with the skaters-in-the-zone.

Moorhen Company

Rescue Mission

Helen and Freddie eventually found me, and so started my crutch journey ( gift from Helen ) firstly to the car from where we went to Calvary emergency CALMS. They only allowed the patients into the hospital due to Covid restrictions, so i was wheelchaired to the reception desk and after a short wait saw the doctor, who was obviously frazzled what with her sister ringing her continually ( ignore that, she said ) and her obstinate printer which just wouldn’t print so she had to write out both an ultra-scan referral and a sick letter for the airlines. ( I was beginning to realise that my top-price ticket was worth its weight in gold; as I could change flights unlimited without extra charge. ). She wheeled me to reception where she asked the receptionist, who was quite irate I was alone so I explained that it was due to Covid, to ring IT for help with her printer. An orderly came to wheel me out to a bench outside Emergency, where H&F rejoined me after finding a coffee shop to wait it out.

Resting at Hotel and Visitors

At this stage there was just swelling; a hot lump of it. H&F drove me back to hotel where I said I’d rest. It was still 2021 and the news was inflitrating through the family so I rang Ek to let her know. I was still expected at the party that night, but inside I was very nervous about what on earth had happened to my knee. I got myself onto the bed and stayed there.

Jen and Caino came round with supplies, but i couldn’t be persuaded to move. I guess I was in a bit of shock but at that stage I was so scared of making it worse. The area of injury was still blazing hot, and i amused myself by moving my leg by grabbing onto a few ounces of thigh flab which previously hadn’t been useful at all. Thanks so much for the visit and while you would have bent backwards ( well given me your bed and slept on the couch ) i really was still scared at what else could happen and the pain level.

No Show At Party

Photos came through of the beginning of the party, and at one stage i felt very sad so rang Janine in Paris ( fb fone ) and she turned the video on when i said i could hear the ducks, as she sits on the back steps to smoke. So there on the other side of the world, on the edge of Paree, on a sunny day was her garden; no trees but from the camera I couldn’t feel the cold. She was isolating with Covid. Such moments make us aware of others troubles n’est pas ! Anyway we cheered each other up.

Janine’s Ducks in their Argenteuil home, Paris ( from June 2019 )

Trouble With Keycard

I heard a rap at the door, and shouted out. It stopped. Minutes later it started up again. I shouted again and in comes Jacob with the masterkey, to give me two new versions of the door key card, as in the hurry to book everyone in for NYE he’d mistakenly typed in 106 for 108 so deactivated 106.

Slept through New Year ASDT

I slept from around 10, when I’d woken up and checked the time; to 1.15am when it was well into 2022.

New Years Day

That morning I’d fallen again, coming out of the bathroom on crutches, onto carpet but was able to get up and back onto the bed. It actually gave me a bit of confidence as I’d been able to control the fall; and the bruising was starting to appear, with the swelling lessening in its heated fury. I contacted Helen as it was stupid putting people further out having to travel into mid-Belconnen with building fences etc, and announced that I was moving in to their place as it would be easier:- so it wasn’t coming to visit with breakfast, it was picking me up. After all they’d offered before when the party meetup was first announced; but after such a long time alone during the pandemic i was apprehensive about EVERYTHING (!). She told me the card that let Caino and Jen in to my room – that’d i’d said to them to give to her – had been taken back by the hotel at point of exit. So i added about the new cards anyway I still had food from J&C’s haul ( thank you ) and packed up my belongings slowly, using many trips to get both bags onto the luggage rack ready for pick-up. ( forgot to take a pick )


Due to the card situation and sometimes long wait for the phone to be answered at the desk, I’d decided to go down to the foyer, and give my card to H&F. The door to my room was extra heavy I’d found on entry, and I was negotiating my way out of it when who should go by but Jacob from the new key cards of the night before ! He asked me if I needed help, and I asked him to hold the door; and then if it was possible for him to take my bags down to the foyer : it was ! So we and my bags set off to the lifts..

And there at the lifts, was the little girl and her mum that i’d met when I’d set off on the morning before, before all this had happened! As quick-as-a-wink I said hello and to the little girl ‘and you’re four-and-a-half’ which she had proudly told me in the lift.

Moving Out

Jacob deposited me at seats in the front with my bags, where I could see when H&F arrived. This sign was just near me ..

Maybe ‘bae’ means ‘play’ ?

So it was an easy transition to their home, although slow getting in the first time. I handed in the keycards at the desk, explaining the situation, and Jacob rang that afternoon to say to contact booking com for a refund for the fourth night, which went through the next week.

New Years Hawaii Time

Helen and I set off for Sophs early afternoon and stayed for dinner with family. I hadn’t even celebrated New Year yet, so worked out Hawaii’s NY was at 9pm our time. However at about 8.30 it was time enough and we got out the sparklers, after a family photo.

HNY at 8.30pm Jan 1 ASDT 11.30pm Dec 31 Hawaii time

Picture Book

I’d visited on the Thursday night, although due to the plane changes had missed dinner, which I had on the plane. Nearing the end of a ‘Writing Picture Books’ course I asked everyone ( the boys were playing computer games ) if they wanted to hear a story ( Lara had already told me that Sean Kelly’s The Game had no pictures – especially as I’d removed the cover one in order to read it ) and from the start laughter was ringing out … and changes incorporated from their feedback included Farmer Bill, a gate, simplifying the story and removing the word ‘down’!

I’d intended to print it out at Officeworks the next day, doing the illustrations in the morning and getting a lift back to Soph’s from Ju and Tills as they were going there; then when H&F had a colour printer I was going to take it with me to Anna’s on the Sunday afternoon which was cancelled due to possible Covid; and eventually finished it early Monday afternoon, with the ‘binding’ two widths of sellotape. A week later I’ve downloaded the certificate for the course and Jake has read the story to Jess ! ( I promised Lara to send her a picture book which hopefully will arrive just before school starts when you’re back from camping trip ).

Done and Dusted !

By the way while I was doing this course I was getting ads for BBC Maestro courses, and a particular one by Julia Donaldson who wrote The Gruffallo. These courses were much cheaper than the one I did, and eventually bought Julia’s one, and found it much more in depth and MUCH easier to listen to ( as it was video of her, not such a blank screen saying ‘play’; and she holds up examples of books ) however no feedback. The best part of the feedback was hearing about Aristotles rules of writing.

Hot Air

One early morning at H&F’s i heard a strange sound and thought a Gruffallo must be near – but it turned out to be a hot air balloon ! That started a nearby dog barking. . .

Getting back to the Island amidst Covid Restrictions

I originally was ready to wallow in defeat for weeks; however the 7-day reprieve for Tasmanians to return within that time was looming, so I rang to change my flight to the Tuesday, with special assistance ie a wheelchair.

Tuesday dawned after I’d woken around 4, and gotten completely ready. I put on the backpack and my shoulder bag, and crutched my way out to the kitchen. It’s funny how the brain starts to plan every single move when in a situation like this. No-one was as friendly as the first flight, from Launceston to Melbourne on the 30th, with the computer specialist father next to me who immediately asked me what i did for a career. ( the only name i can recall was that he worked before current job for Oracle Systems, used to travel heaps and one of the managers in his company used to work for Adobe ). His Indian lilt was lovely to listen to and I correctly guessed the age of their son, who had the window seat opposite, as 17. He joked that this fly wanted to enjoy Row 2 too …

Fly travelling Business Class

In retrospect, with all this happening, it was a jolly good thing my covid paranoia chose to travel business !!!!

When I got back to Launceston, I was last off the plane, and they had the ramp exit rather than the stairs, and I was wheeled across to the Covid checkpoint, where I was deposited. As it was between planes, one of the workers ( police were everywhere as well ) wheeled me to the lift and out to baggage claim, and then a lady worker volunteered to wheel me to my car, on the very front row next to the disability parking. Despite being on the front row she said I never would have made it on crutches.

Back Home

Once home, midday on the first Tuesday of ’22, I parked underneath, gingerly making my way over to the back door, kicking branches i was cutting up for recycling bin away; and getting up the stairs on my bum. So of course I had to do this again on the Wednesday for the doctors appointment which I’d made on another matter, a month before

Going to the Medical Centre Amidst Covid Restrictions

I’d been at the local shops, exploring behind them were there was a business block with an electric bike shop when i saw a Medical Centre – OMG i thought, right near me ! This was mid-December, and when I rang to make an appointment as the online booking was unclear, I was told they were not taking any new patients that year. So i said so can I have an appointment next year, which surprised her, but she booked me in for the 5th… which was pretty useful considering ! Again, I got the nearest park to the entrance just by chance. I wasn’t to know that the girl should have not added ‘this year’ to ‘not taking new patients’…

I’d been given a phone number to ring on arrival, and told nurses would come and triage me. I’d also rung the day before to say I’d be on crutches. So I rang, answered all the questions, and she said to come in. There was a desk set up with a fully masked staff member outside the entrance.

I went up to her and got asked all the questions again ( apparently the car triage call had been superceded by this desk ) with one extra : have you been out of Tasmania. I said yes in the ACT yesterday. She said I couldn’t come in and when i was horrified she said no need to be like that. Understandably the staff are incredibly overworked, but i explained to her i’d rung the day before, I’d rung the number given, and beside that i was in pain. She then said ok get back in the car and see what i can do.

Waiting Out Being Banned Entry On A Bench

I sat on the nearest bench, and when she came back with a form to fill out she told me that i could be seen in the Covid room, and i said i’d rather be seen just here on the bench. we both apologised and it was all OK after that. I waited for ages, watching people going in for their covid shots and chatting to passers-by as they came out of the centre, and eventually the doctor came out in complete PPE gear. She gave me paperwork for MRI scan and xray, and they are this Tuesday. She said she will contact me when she gets the results, and in the next appointment will be the induction ie get asked all the questions in introductory appt.

Waiting It Out At Home

So since then I’ve been home; requisitioned the office chair to alleviate some of the strain i sometimes feel putting weight on the leg; waking up at 4am; and spending most of the time on my huge big bed that came with the house ( additional cost ) because they couldn’t get it out the door !

The big bed that came with the house, at extra cost ( but they couldn’t get it out the door !)

First Coles Delivery

I’ve finally done a Coles delivery; and there was lots of food in the fridge anyway including cherries which were made into a streudel over 3 days. However requisitioning the office chair to help moving from bed to kitchen made a huge difference.

Transportation !

Internet Life

Around typing that on Sunday 9th AUS time but still the 8th in NYC, i lazily went on facebook and was directed to a live link to Cutting Room NYC where Hey, Plati etc were playing the middle gig of Bowie songs ( ie on the 8th but added on 7th and 9th due to demand ). I hastilly – with the crutches and office chair – wheeled to the fridge and opened champers and sang along to live feed of them playing. It was the first time for ages there was no tremor in my voice which while the champers helped, was a major milestone for me as a potential tremorist for life. I sang my heart out and in again. I eventually stopped when the live feed stopped (( and probably to the neighbour’s amusement as per years ago when H&F went to G&M’s ( before AVR ) leaving me on Xmas with champers which had me singing xmas carols at the top of my voice in the Glebe garage with laughter from passers by – another year I drew Mickey Mouse … to come as they’re all DOWNSTAIRS ! )) but went back to it after preparing tonight ( and three nights afterwards ) cauliflower curry – which unfortunately i ruined by leaving the slow cooker on .. oh well !

So the big ‘imaging’ day tomorrow and then a wait until the doctor rings !

Best Wishes and Love to All

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